
July 9: The Day of the Lord

Isn’t it true that one of life’s greatest burdens is having burdens that are unnecessary? There are certainly times when we have a lot to do. And there are times when we have a lot of people or things

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9 de julio: El Día del Señor

“Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados y agobiados por la carga y yo les daré alivio. Tomen mi yugo sobre ustedes y aprendan de mí, que soy manso y humilde de corazón.” (Mateo 11, 25-30) Jesús ofrece descanso …

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July 8-9: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

The somewhat famous plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

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8-9 de julio: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

En Jesús, Dios se encarna – se hace uno de nosotros. De alguna manera, Dios (“el espíritu puro”), se hace carne, se hace materia, realmente se hace uno de nosotros, se ensucia con el barro de los caminos, come y

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July 7: Believing in Jesus and His Kingdom

From our point of view today, we might be tempted to say that Jesus hung around with “bad company!” His persistent habit of being with tax collectors and sinners (Matthew 9, 9-13 for example) meant that He was not

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7 de julio: Creer en Jesús y en su Reino

Desde nuestro punto de vista podríamos decir que ¡Jesús frecuentaba las malas compañías! Eso de andar con publicanos y con pecadores (Mateo 9, 9-13 por ejemplo) no era precisamente estar con “la gente bien,” de buen comportamiento, con la gente

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July 6: Walking in His Way

A somewhat perplexing feature in the Gospels is that Jesus never really distinguishes between curing, forgiving, healing, and reconciling. These appear to be one and the same action on His part. On one hand, that shouldn’t be so perplexing, but

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6 de julio: Caminando por Sus Caminos

Según los Evangelios, Jesús nunca distinguía muy bien entre curar, perdonar, sanar, y reconciliar. Lo que le importaba era el bien de la persona. Ni siquiera le importaba mucho el pasado (lo que hubiera hecho o dejado de hacer la

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July 5: St. Elizabeth of Portugal / Santa Isabel de Portugal

The Church celebrates today the memorial of St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Daughter of King Pedro III of Aragon and Constantia; great-granddaughter of Emperor Frederick II, and great-niece of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, for whom she was named.

She lived in

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July 4: Independence Day / Día de Independencia

Please join us for Mass in our parish church at 9am Tuesday. We will celebrate our nation’s birth and our thanksgiving for God’s providential care over our land and over our world. Our gratitude for (and our faith in) that

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