Month: September 2021
1 de octubre: Fiesta de Santa Teresa de Lisieux
Santa Teresa de Lisieux (o del Niño Jesús) nació en la ciudad francesa de Alençon en 1873; sus padres ejemplares eran Luis Martin y Acelia María Guerin, ambos santos. Murió en 1897, y en 1925 el Papa Pío XI la …
October 1: The Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Therese of Lisieux was born Marie Therese Martin in Alencon, France in 1873, the youngest of five daughters. Her father, Louis, was a watchmaker and her mother, Zelie, who died of breast cancer when Therese was four, was a …
September 30: Feast of St. Jerome
Today, the Universal Church celebrates the liturgical Feast of St. Jerome, the priest and monk renowned for his extraordinary depth of learning and translations of the Bible into Latin. Besides his contributions as a Church Father and the guiding light …
30 de septiembre: Fiesta de San Jerónimo
Hoy, toda la Iglesia celebra la Fiesta de San Jerónimo. Dicen que este santo ha sido el hombre que en la antigüedad estudió más y mejor la Santa Biblia. Pero durante su juventud en Roma, Jerónimo estudió latín bajo …
29 de septiembre: Fiesta de los Santos Arcángeles
San Miguel, en Hebreo, significa: “¿Quién como Dios?” San Miguel es uno de los principales ángeles; su nombre era el grito de guerra de los ángeles buenos en la batalla librada en el cielo en contra del enemigo y sus …
September 29: Feast of the Holy Archangels
As we celebrate the Feast of the Archangels today, we remember that the word ‘angel’ comes from the Greek, aggelos, a messenger. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word mal’ak was applied to both human and …
September 28: Stepping Stones
Over the past weekend, Jesus (in Mark 9) said, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were …
September 27 / 27 de septiembre: St. Vincent de Paul (bilingüe)
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul. Although not the actual founder of the Society which bears his name, St. Vincent provided the inspiration for a more generous outreach to all who stand in need of food, …
September 25-26: Preparing to Celebrate this Sunday’s Mass
One of the features seen throughout St. Mark’s Gospel is an honest and compelling treatment of “discipleship.” Disciples (or “followers”) in the ancient world would seek out a teacher or rabbi and “follow” or “come after” him. Discipleship involved not …
25-26 de septiembre: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical
En el pasaje Evangélico que vamos a compartir el domingo que viene (Marcos 9, 38-43. 47-48), vemos cómo Jesús sigue adoctrinando a sus discípulos sobre la misión, pero el Espíritu se da a todos y no solamente a unos grupos. …