Month: April 2020


Cristo Resucitado nos regale la alegría prometida en la Última Cena: esa alegría que nadie podrá quitarnos, porque Él vino para que tengamos Vida, y Vida en abundancia. Bien decimos cuando celebramos el Misterio de la Pascua: “Por la cruz,

Comunión Espiritual

Jamás nos hubiéramos imaginado que las iglesias tendrían que cerrar debido al gran riesgo de propagación del virus, que no se celebrarían Misas y que los fieles no pudieran recibir la Eucaristía, ni confesarse fácilmente.

En la Edad Media,

The Sabbath

Remembering to honor the Sabbath is not a chore, but rather a gift from God. When we observe the Sabbath, we REST from our labors so we can better CELEBRATE what God has done for us. We remember who we

Let All the Earth Cry Out to God with Joy

These last six weeks have caused us to stop what we considered a normal life. Our homes, our workplaces, and our habits have changed. Many of us desire a haircut! We need to wear masks when going out, including to

Scripture Reflection for the Month of May

As we continue to pray for a solution to our situation let us remember the Word has so much to offer us in comfort and peace. We will be having a Zoom meeting this Saturday at 9 AM. If you …

Vulnerability and Openness

Whenever we deal with endings and a new beginnings, with overlap between them, we are in what Anthropologist Victor Turner calls “liminal spaces.” Liminal spaces are the in-between places of our lives, times when we are in transition, on


Busquemos la intercesión de María, Madre de la Iglesia, por fortaleza en la lucha contra el COVID-19

Mientras que el mundo continúa enfrentando los efectos continuos de la pandemia mundial del coronavirus, el arzobispo José H. Gomez, de Los Ángeles

Fellowship with the Saints

In times of isolation, it can be comforting to remind ourselves that “we do not walk alone.” The saints of God journey with us every step of the way!

St. Catherine of Siena Today (April 29) we celebrate the Feast

Los Cubrebocas

Estamos tomando medidas urgentes para frenar la propagación del virus y de la infección. La crisis es urgente y muchos de nosotros nos sentimos impotentes. Pero tal vez sentirse pequeño es el mejor recordatorio para orar. La oración es la


Thank you Nancy Wissbaum, Evelyn Loso, Pat Yoder, Leigh Little, Anna Cools, Teri Gruen, Dick & Nina Wisher, and all the other members of the “team” providing masks. We are grateful for your kindness and your concern for our good