Month: December 2021

December 29 / 29 de diciembre: Weather Cancelations
It is too icy to travel safely in North Portland!
Wednesday: Mass canceled (no habrá Misa)
Thursday: Mass canceled (no habrá Misa)
Thursday: Adoration canceled (no habrá Adoración)
Hoping for better weather!
Friday: Mass at 8:30am
Friday: Mass at 5pm …

December 28: The Holy Innocents
The Church’s Feast of the Holy Innocents acknowledges that Christmas, as Pope Francis has put it, “is also accompanied, whether we like it or not, by tears.” Today we remember those innocent children who were the first martyrs and who …

28 de diciembre: Los Santos Inocentes
El día de hoy se conmemora a los Niños Inocentes que el cruel Herodes mandó matar. Es la Fiesta de los santos Inocentes, mártires. Se recuerda a los niños que fueron mandados a ejecutar en Belén de Judea, por el …

December 27: St. John
Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Evangelist and Apostle St. John. He was one of two sons of Zebedee. From the Gospels, we learn that he, his father, and his brother James were fishermen in Galilee. John, James, …

27 de diciembre: San Juan
La Iglesia celebra hoy la Fiesta de San Juan, Apóstol y Evangelista. Tomado de su primera carta: “Queridos hijos – Miren cuánto amor nos ha tenido el Padre, pues no sólo nos llamamos hijos de Dios, sino que lo somos. …

December 25-26: Sagrada Familia / Holy Family
It is customary to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family on the Sunday immediately following our celebration of the Birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. This year offers us the added bonus of celebrating this Feast’s Vigil Mass on …

25 de diciembre: ¡Feliz Navidad!
“El pueblo que caminaba en tinieblas vio una luz grande.” Con estas palabras, Isaías anuncia al pueblo un cambio radical de la lamentable situación en que se encuentra, de penuria, desgobierno, injusticia, y desesperanza.
La esperanza de remedio de la …

December 25: Merry Christmas!
“While they were in Bethlehem, the time came for Mary to have her child. She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” (Luke 2, 1-14)
For …

December 24 / 24 de diciembre: Christmas Eve / La Vigilia de Navidad
Hemos venido peregrinando a lo largo de estas semanas de Adviento, en la espera del nacimiento del Salvador, y nuestra espera ha llegado a su fin: nuestro Salvador ha nacido y la fiesta de la Navidad nos llena de alegría, …

December 23: The Way of the Lord
Advent has always meant waiting and anticipation. When we were younger, the waiting was all mixed up with giddy anticipation for Christmas, wasn’t it? Our waiting and anticipation for both Advent and Christmas are probably more measured now, but we …