Month: August 2021

September 1: Days of Solidarity
For the month of September, our parish will treat each Thursday as a “day of solidarity” with the war-weary population of Afghanistan. Prayer cards will be provided for everyone who joins us for Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays (8:30am to 8:30pm). …

31 de agosto: ¡Los Que Tienen el Don de Muchos Años!
Atender a los miembros de la parroquia y a los vecinos no católicos (¡que tienen el don de muchos años!) as de suma importancia. Cuidar por todos nuestros mayores y ancianos es una actividad vital de todo ser viviente. Es …

August 31: Parish Buddies
St. Paul says “Let the one who boasts, boast only in the Lord.” (First Corinthians 1,31) So, let us boast that the Lord has blessed us with a generous outreach to our Parish Buddies!
From the …

August 30 / 30 de agosto: Complaints / Quejas (bilingual)
At Pope Francis’ public audience on Sunday, he said that complaining and blaming others is a waste of time. He added that the way to defeat evil is to conquer it first within our own hearts. According to the …

28-29 de agosto: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical
Vamos a estar reunidos alrededor del Altar del Señor para escuchar la Palabra de Dios y para sentarnos y comer a su Mesa. “Escuchar” quiere decir no simplemente oír lo que el Señor tiene que decirnos, sino permitir que su …

August 28-29: Preparing for this Sunday’s Mass
If integrity means being “complete, undivided, and whole,” the kind of integrity Jesus models for His disciples is remarkable. As we see in Mark 7, 1-23, Jesus’ integrity is always validated by words and deeds; He does what He says …

28 de agosto: Fiesta de San Agustín
Como San Agustín, algunos necesitan la mitad de su vida para descubrir que estaban equivocados, o quizás para tener el valor de ser suficientemente honestos consigo mismos y para enfrentarse a Dios y a sí mismos. Él tenía un corazón …

August 28: Feast of St. Augustine
St. Augustine was born in 354 in Tagaste (present-day Algeria). His mother, St. Monica, was a devout Christian and his father, Patricius, a pagan. He was brought up as a Christian but not baptized. He studied rhetoric at the university …

27 de agosto: Fiesta de Santa Monica
Santa Mónica, Madre de San Agustín, nació en Tagaste (África del Norte) en el año 332. En la edad adulta, ella deseaba dedicarse a la vida de oración y de soledad pero sus padres dispusieron que tenía que esposarse con …

August 27: Feast of St. Monica
St. Monica was born in 332 at Tagaste (in modern-day Algeria). Her parents brought her up as a Christian and married her to an older, pagan man named Patricius. He was a man of great energy, but he also had …