
November 13: Pastoral Care of the Sick

From Apostolic times (see the Letter of St. James in the Bible), those who ministered to and within the Christian community were urged to lay their hands upon the sick and to anoint them. The purpose of anointing is to

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November 12: Open to Receiving Divine Mercy

In Luke 17, 7-10 we read, “Jesus said to His disciples: ‘Who among you would say to your slave who has just come in from ploughing or tending sheep in the field, ‘Come here at once and take your place

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November 11: St. Martin of Tours and Veterans Day

The annual observance of Veterans Day in the United States has its roots in the armistice that ended World War I hostilities in 1918. The armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of

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November 10: The Day of the Lord

The behavior of the widow in Mark 12, 38-44 draws us toward her, either in admiration or out of our usual concern for the “underdog,” so to speak. Her behavior is, in fact, admirable, and we are naturally drawn toward

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10 de noviembre: El Día del Señor

Dios ha sido generoso con nosotros, pero nosotros con frecuencia hemos sido tacaños con otros a la hora de compartir nuestro amor y nuestras cosas. ¿Hasta qué punto nos atrevemos a vivir en las manos de Dios – como las

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November 8-9: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Last Sunday’s Gospel provided us with the account of the man who approached Jesus with questions about the greatest Commandment. Jesus’ response to the man’s inquiries and insights was that he was “not far from the Kingdom of God,” that

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8-9 de noviembre: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical

El Evangelio de la Misa del domingo (Marcos 12, 38-44) nos va a ofrecer el ejemplo de una viuda que pasó adentro del Templo en Jerusalén. Con su generosidad, un hecho a primera vista menudo, irrelevante, Jesús nos enseña a

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November 7: Parish Day of Prayer / Día de Oración

As is true every Thursday here at Holy Cross, we will celebrate the Mass today at 8:30am and then continue with our Day of Prayer, with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There is a beauty in Adoration and the

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November 6: Sing a New Song

The other day, near the parish office, there was a bird singing. What energy she put into it! She was singing, body and soul. It appeared that there was nothing in her that wasn’t singing. And she wasn’t singing because

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November 5: Election Day

If we really want to do something, we always make time and find the opportunity to do it. If we don’t want to do something, we easily come up with excuses – and one excuse is as good as another.

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