Month: September 2022
September 30: St. Jerome
The Church celebrates today the feastday of Saint Jerome, a priest, monk, and Doctor of the Church. He has always been renowned for his extraordinary depth of learning and translations of the Bible into Latin in what is called “the …
30 de septiembre: San Jerónimo
Cada 30 de septiembre la Iglesia celebra la Fiesta de San Jerónimo. Su nombre “Jerónimo” quiere decir: “el que tiene un nombre sagrado.”
La Iglesia ha reconocido siempre a San Jerónimo como un hombre elegido por Dios para explicar y …
September 29 / 29 de septiembre: Archangels / Arcángeles
We rejoice on the Feast of the three Archangels who are mentioned by name in the Scriptures: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. But what is an Angel? God’s Word and our Church tradition describe two parts of the answer to that …
28 de septiembre / September 28: Oración / Prayer in Time of Storms
Prayer for Protection during a Storm:
“O God, Master of this passing world, hear the humble voices of your children. The Sea of Galilee obeyed your order and returned to its former quietude. You are still the Master of land …
September 27: St. Vincent de Paul
The famous anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked what she thought was the earliest sign of true “human civilization.” She responded, “The earliest sign of human ‘civilization’ is not a clay pot, or tools made of iron, or the first domesticated …
September 26: The Mysterious Designs of God
Our own age continues to ask the question that has been around for “ages” – How can God allow a good and innocent person to suffer? It is certainly true that many good people suffer greatly in this life, but …
26 de septiembre: El Misterio Designio de Dios
¿Nos hemos quejado al Señor por lo que ha pasado en la vida? ¿Hay veces en la vida cuando no podemos ver ningún sentido en el dolor, la dificultad, y la desgracia? ¿Le hemos preguntado a Dios “por qué?” Sí, …
September 25: The Day of the Lord
Jesus told the parable in Luke 16, 19-31 (the Rich Man and Lazarus) to call to task the Pharisees and other leaders of the people for their love of money and lack of mercy for the poor. He also used …
25 de septiembre: El Día del Señor
Conocemos la parábola del hombre rico y Lázaro. Un rico despreocupado que “banquetea espléndidamente,” ajeno al sufrimiento de los demás y un pobre mendigo a quien “nadie daba nada.” Dos hombres distanciados por un abismo de egoísmo e insolidaridad que, …
September 24-25: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass
This Sunday’s Scriptures provide a warning: that the selfish and extravagant use of God’s blessings, like wealth, with no share going to the poor and the needy, is a serious sin deserving eternal punishment. God’s Holy Word stresses the truth …