“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis
When we sin, we make a conscious choice to turn away from God and one another. Through the sacrament of Reconciliation, we can experience a conversion, a turning back, to God and the Church community. We talk to the Priest about what we have done wrong, expressing our sorrow and our willingness to change. The Priest blesses us and says the words of absolution, forgiving our sins in the name of Jesus and the Church.
Time: Wednesday, 7pm & Friday, 9am in the Church, or by appointment with Fr. Mark
Contact the Parish Office at 503.289.2834 to set up a private appointment.
Most children and adults prepare to celebrate this sacrament as they prepare to receive their First Communion. Children can make their First Reconciliation at second grade or older. Please visit our Religious Education page for more information on preparing for this sacrament.