Church History

“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis

In 1901, the Congregation of Holy Cross were invited by Archbishop Alexander Christie to administer the then Columbia University in Portland, Oregon.  Archbishop Christie designated the North Peninsula of Portland as a parish to be called Holy Cross.  The first pastor appointed in 1902 was Rev. John Thillman, CSC.  Catholics in the north peninsula attended Mass at the Chapel in West Hall at the University.  This served as the people’s chapel until a small frame church was built in 1904 on the southwest corner of Bowdoin and Stanford streets.

Brother Joseph, in charge of the farm at the University, brought over his team of horses to break ground for the wooden frame building seating 300, lighted by kerosene lamps and heated by a large pot-bellied wood stove in the left rear corner of the church.

Archbishop Christie dedicated the new church on Sept. 4th, 1904.

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2007 Life of Holy Cross

Mass times: Saturday 5:00 pm Vigil Mass, Sunday 8:30am, 10:00 am and 11:30 am (Spanish) Fr. Dave Gutmann served nine years at Holy Cross. Deacon Brett Edmonson,  served at Holy Cross for 6-l/2 years. Holy Cross Father John Wironen, CSC residing at the University of Portland, accepts assignment as Pastor of Holy Cross. Ana Carmina Perez, becomes Holy Crosses Hispanic Ministry Coordinator. Holy Cross School Principal: Sister Ruth Frank, SSMO Development Director: Sr. Mary Ryan, SNJM School Secretary: Debbie Walker Choir Director Nancy Wissbaum sings in concert on Sat., Sept. 15th at St. Patrick’s Church in NW Portland, all proceeds went to St. Vincent de Paul. New benches at the entrance to Holy Cross and the Queen of Peace garden in front of the Convent were installed – thanks to Dennis

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1988 Life at Holy Cross

Mass times: 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass 8:30am and 10:30 am Sundays  Fr. Wayne Forbes leaves Holy Cross Parish after serving for 7 years.  A Mass of installation for new pastor Fr. Cathal Brennan was held on Sept. 14th, 1988 the feast day of the Exultation of the Holy Cross, 1988.  The Holy Cross School Principal was Sr. Mary Ryan, SNJM and her school secretary was Jeanne Albrecht.  Organizations and their leaders:  Administrative Council- Brigid Fortun, Altar Society – Velva Rees Hospitality – Martha Kovach St. Vincent de Paul – Wanda Humbargar Parents Club  – Sue Rupert  Music Ensemble leader:  David Firth  St. Vincent de Paul collected 3,190 lbs of food for the Christmas food drive – food boxes were delivered to those in need on Dec. 24th, 1988.

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1996 Life at Holy Cross

Mass times:  5:00 pm Vigil Mass, 9:00am and 11:00 am (in Spanish) Sundays  Archbishop John Vlazny, former bishop of Winona, Minn. became the 10th Archbishop of Portland.  ‘Go and make disciples,’ is to be the theme of his episcopal service.  Sept. 29th, 1996 – the Archdiocese of Portland celebrated throughout Oregon the 150 years of the founding of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon.  The Holy Cross School Principal was Sr. Mary Ryan, SNJM and school secretary was Sr. Barbara Hand. Organizations and their leaders:  Administrative Council- Stephen Kemper Altar Society – Carol Eby Hospitality – Marge Harris St. Vincent de Paul – George FortunIn Parents Club  – Dave Erickson Maintenance Committee – Terry Hoffart In 1991, under the leadership of the Legion of Mary, Holy Cross joined a diocesan wide census.  Led by Martha Kovach and volunteers, a door to door canvassing of North Portland led to many inactive Catholics being invited to explore Holy Cross. In 1992, Holy Cross held there first

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1979 Life at Holy Cross

Mass times: Saturday evening at 7:00 pm Sunday morning Mass times: 6:00 am 7:30 am  9:00 am  10:15 am and 11:30 am   Pastor:  Fr. Carl Wachter,  Associate:  Fr. Michael O’Brien  Archbishop Cornelius Michael Power (served as archbishop 1974-1986) confirmed 8th graders at Holy Cross on October 30th, 1979. Archbishop Power also celebrated Columbus Day Mass for the Knights of Columbus on October 12th at Queen of Peace church, with dinner and dance afterward. Sept. 23rd, 1979  Archbishop Power was the celebrant and homilist at the 75th Anniversary of Holy Cross Catholic Church anniversary Mass.  Reception in school hall.  A commemorative 75th Anniversary booklet:  Holy Cross Parish; The Early Years (1904-1915) was sold for

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1967 -1968, Life at Holy Cross

Mass times:  6:00am, 7:30am, 9:00 am 10:15 am and 11:30 am Sundays Pastor: Fr. Valentine Moffenbeier Assistant:  Fr. Timothy Murphy In residence:  Fr. Leo Remington  A quote in September 3, 1967 in welcome to new Curate, Fr. Timothy Murphy, by Pastor Moffenbeir “It is not unusual for old priests who survive a jubilee or two to confess that their first appointment remained their best loved.  We hope, Fr. Murphy, you too will confess to the same thought.” Easter Services- Resurrection Mass at 4:45am, 6:00am, 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:15 am and 11:30 am April 4th, 1968 – Special prayers said at Mass for the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King June 5th, 1968 – Special prayers said at Mass for the assassination of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy June 30th, 1968 – Pastoral Re-assignments take place.  Announcement of Fr. Carl

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