Senior Ministry
“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis
The primary mission of Holy Cross Senior Ministry is to provide social and spiritual support for our senior parishioners. We accomplish this through regularly scheduled activities that foster relationships within the senior community. Much of our communication happens through online communication coordinated by Jana- God's Girls.
Please let us know if we can serve you in these areas-
- Personal visitation of elderly living in their own homes and also those who live in an institutional setting/and or nursing home
- Counseling these parishioners during stressful experience of grief, guilt, disappointments and illness
- Arranging weekly/monthly visitations and communion for those who request it and who are unable to attend mass due to illness or age related issues
- Assisting in helping with pre-planned funeral liturgies and bereavement
- Fr. Mark provides annointing of the Sick - on the third Wednesday of every month
Senior Luncheons
*This activity is temporarily unavailable. We hope to get back to Senior Luncheons as soon as possible.
God's Girls
God's Girls is a dedicated group that prays for the needs of our community. The group gathers together twice a month to pray, praise, study, and share how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7pm. You’ve always got a friend with one of God's Girls.
*This activity is temporarily closed except for email contact. We hope to begin again in person as soon as possible. For questions, please call Jana Ripley at 503.289.8304.
Hollywood Senior Center Activities
Ride Connection Transportation Resource
Aging in Place-National Council for Senior Care