Month: July 2022
August 1 / 1 de agosto: St. Alphonsus / San Alfonso
Today marks the feast day of Saint Alphonsus, who was conferred degrees in law at 16 years of age. He practiced law for 8 years before turning to the Church and was ordained a priest in 1726. His style of …
July 31: The Day of the Lord
Obviously, there is so much to say about God, yet we can never say it all. Among the things we can say is this: “our God is one who feeds our hungers and longings.” That is what we celebrate, in …
31 de julio: El Día del Señor
El Evangelio de la Misa hoy (Lucas 12, 1-13) nos presenta lo que es el núcleo esencial del mensaje de Cristo. Jesús ha venido a comunicarnos que somos hijos e hijas de Dios, que nuestro Padre nos cuida y que, …
30-31 de julio: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical
Todos necesitamos las cosas imprescindibles para la vida, pero nuestra experiencia humana nos sigue recordando sin cesar lo que Jesús, hace mucho tiempo ya, nos dijo: “¡El acumular riqueza no da la felicidad!” (Lucas 12, 1-13) La alegría de vivir …
July 30-31: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass
The Gospel for this Sunday (Luke 12, 1-13) begins by introducing a man who wants Jesus to act as a mediator in a property dispute. “Master, tell my brother to give me a share of our inheritance.” It was quite …
July 29: Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus (of Bethany)
A little over a year ago, Pope Francis added the Memorial of Sts. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus to the General Roman Calendar, giving these siblings the combined feast day of July 29. A decree from the Congregation for Divine …
29 de julio: Santos Marta, María, y Lázaro
Hace un año, el Papa Francisco ordenó la inscripción de los Santos Marta, María, y Lázaro en el Calendario Romano General, reemplazando la celebración existente de Santa Marta sola. De este modo, la Iglesia Católica Universal celebra cada año …
July 28: Mystical Rose, Intercede for Us
During his “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada this week, Pope Francis has called to our attention the example of Our Lady of Guadalupe and her apparitions on this continent. He has described her as one “who handed on the faith …
28 de julio: Mística Rosa, Intercede por la Iglesia
El Papa Francisco recordó esta semana a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y sus apariciones en tierras americanas, destacando que la Virgen “transmitió la recta fe a los indígenas,” en un evento que congregó a alrededor de 10 mil personas cerca …
July 27: A Penitential Pilgrimage
Pope Francis is making a “pastoral visit” to Canada this week, focused on Indigenous Healing and Reconciliation. This is the fourth papal journey to Canada and the first since Saint John Paul II’s visit in 2002. The pilgrimage is providing …