Month: February 2022

February 28: Lent Draws Near

With crocuses and daffodils appearing outside, with primroses and daphne “showing their faces” (so to speak), this is a perfect time for us to grow in faith. It is a perfect time to check whether Jesus’ teachings are “taking root”

February 26-27: Preparing for Sunday’s Mass

This is not news to anyone: in today’s world it is hard to find a little peace and quiet.  It is not easy to avoid the constant harassment of all kinds of calls and messages. The worries and hurry of

February 25: For Peace

A Prayer for Peace in Our Time

O God, author and giver of peace, in whose image and likeness each of us has been created with a human dignity worthy of respect on earth and destined for eternal glory, Listen

February 24: Care for God’s Creation

The social teaching of the Church is aimed at building a just society and helping us live lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Over this week, we have addressed the key elements of this social teaching.


24 de febrero: El Cuidado por la Creación de Dios

La enseñanza social de la Iglesia es un rico tesoro de sabiduría sobre la manera de construir una sociedad justa y vivir una vida de santidad en medio de los desafíos de la sociedad moderna. Hay siete temas del enseñanza

23 de febrero: La Solidaridad

La enseñanza social de la Iglesia es un rico tesoro de sabiduría sobre la manera de construir una sociedad justa y vivir una vida de santidad en medio de los desafíos de la sociedad moderna. Hay siete temas del enseñanza

February 23: Solidarity

The social teaching of the Church is aimed at building a just society and helping us live lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Over the next week, we will address many of the key elements of this

February 23 / 23 de febrero: Saint Polycarp / San Policarpo

San Policarpo fue uno de los discípulos del apóstol San Juan (Evangelista), miembro de la “segunda generación” de los cristianos. Los fieles le profesaban una gran admiración. Y entre sus discípulos tuvo a San Ireneo y a varios santos más.