Month: August 2023

1 de septiembre: Diez Doncellas y el Esposo

En la parábola de las doncellas (Mateo 25, 1-13), la enseñanza es sencilla y la explicita Jesús en sus palabras finales: “Estén preparados, porque no saben ni el día ni la hora.” Cada minuto, cada segundo es importante en nuestra

September 1: Ten Bridesmaids and the Bridegroom

Recent news out of Florida (a hurricane) and Hawaii and locally here in the Northwest (wildfires) has reminded us that the daily news media is full of reports of lives being cut short by accident, illness or violence. Any of

August 31: The Eucharist

Here at Holy Cross, we dedicate our Thursdays to prayerful Adoration in the presence of the Lord. All are invited to join us for an hour (or more, or as much time as you can), as we make a parish-wide

31 de agosto: La Eucaristía

Una de las grandes aportaciones del Concilio Vaticano II fue impulsar el paso desde la “Misa” entendida como una obligación individual para cumplir un precepto sagrado, a la “Eucaristía” vivida como celebración gozosa de toda la comunidad para alimentar su

August 30: Serving One Another

Back in the 1950’s & 60’s, when Christian Herter was governor of Massachusetts, he was running hard for a second term in office.  One day, after a busy morning chasing votes (and no lunch), he arrived at a church barbecue.

29 de agosto: El Martirio de San Juan Bautista

La Iglesia celebra hoy el Memorial del Martirio de San Juan Bautista. Según el Evangelio de San Marcos (6, 17-29), Herodes Antipas retuvo encarcelado a San Juan en la fortaleza de Maqueronte. En el día de su cumpleaños lo mandó

August 28: St. Augustine / San Agustín

Saint Augustine was born in northern Africa in 354. Despite being raised by a devoted Christian mother, he was a difficult child, and grew to be an atheist. A highly intelligent scholar who had received the finest education, he founded

August 27: The Day of the Lord

Once upon a time, there was an irreligious farmer who gloried in his irreligion. He wrote a letter to a local newspaper in these words: “Sir: I have been trying an experiment with a field of mine. I plowed

27 de agosto: El Día del Señor

Para cualquier persona expuesta al cristianismo, pero que no se considere creyente, Jesús fue un hombre bueno, un filántropo, un hombre sabio. Jesús, usualmente, le cae bien a la gente que lo ve como una figura histórica. Alguien del cual