“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis
The Ushers assist with seating and offertory collections at weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Before Mass
Ushers greet and welcome Mass attendees at the church entrances and serve as representatives of the parish. They take note of any known doctors or nurses in attendance, should anyone need medical assistance during the Mass. Also, they assist attendees as needed with finding a seat, paying particular attention to those with special needs. During crowded services, assisting with seating is especially important.
During Mass
Ushers sit at the back of the church and participate fully in the service. When late-comers arrive, ushers help minimize disruptions by asking them to momentarily stand by during the readings and the Priest's homily. Ushers are also responsible for passing around the collection baskets. During communion, they assist the Eucharistic ministers by pointing out those who cannot proceed through the communion line and therefore need communion brought to them.
After Mass
Once the Mass is over, ushers stand by the church doors to distribute the weekly bulletin. Depending on the church and the time of year, they may prop the doors open or stand outside. Ushers field any questions from visitors. They also straighten up the pews. This task may include collecting trash, putting hymnals in their proper places, picking up articles left behind, and raising kneeling benches.
If you are interested in becoming a Usher at Holy Cross Church, please contact the Parish Office at 503.289.2834.