July 6: Walking in His Way

A somewhat perplexing feature in the Gospels is that Jesus never really distinguishes between curing, forgiving, healing, and reconciling. These appear to be one and the same action on His part. On one hand, that shouldn’t be so perplexing, but we tend to make it so!

What is important to Jesus, throughout the Gospels, especially during the events marked by curing and forgiving, is His overriding concern for the good of the people He encounters. He does not spend much time or energy asking about their past, but focuses on their present well-being and how He might share God’s healing and reconciling love with them.

For anyone who seeks to follow Him, perhaps our best “strategy” would be to devote ourselves in a similar way to the good of others, without judging them … just seeing in them a fellow son or daughter of God with whom we can share kindness, help, and solidarity in their need.

Take note of how the paralytics, blind, mute, and deaf people of the Gospels typically respond to Jesus’ healing and forgiving presence and action: they praise God and give thanks. How do we respond when He does much the same for us in saying, “Rise up and walk?”

May God keep us faithful to His way and bless us always.

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