Month: May 2023
June 1: St. Justin, Martyr
The Church honors the memory of the early Christian philosopher St. Justin Martyr today. He was born around the year 100 in the Palestinian province of Samaria. His father followed the Greek pagan religion and raised his son to do …
1 de junio: San Justino, Mártir
“La oración y la acción de gracias son lo que más agrada a Dios.”
San Justino nació alrededor del año 100, en la antigua Siquem, en Samaria. Sus padres eran paganos, de origen griego, y le dieron una excelente educación, …
May 31: The Visitation of Mary
Today’s Feast on the Church’s calendar commemorates the visit that Mary, already pregnant with Jesus, made to her older cousin, St. Elizabeth, who was pregnant with the future St. John the Baptist.
This story comes in the Infancy Narrative of …
31 de mayo: La Visitación de la Virgen María
La Iglesia celebra hoy la Fiesta de la Visitación de la Virgen María. San Lucas (1, 39-56) presenta a ella como el Arca de la Alianza que va a Jerusalén para mostrar que Dios está presente en medio de su …
May 30: God is Good and Loving
As we return to the Ordinary Time of the Church’s year, we are reminded by the Book of Sirach (35, 1-12): “In a generous spirit pay homage to the Lord, be not sparing of freewill gifts. With each contribution show …
30 de mayo: Dios es Bueno y Bondadoso
Según el calendario litúrgico de la Iglesia, hemos regresado al “Tiempo Ordinario.” Después de cincuenta días de festividad Pascual, recordamos confiadamente hoy que estamos en las manos de Dios, un Dios bueno y bondadoso, un Dios misericordioso. Tratamos de servirle …
May 29: Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church
On the Monday after Pentecost, the Church celebrates the Feast of Mary, the Mother of the Church. In 2018, Pope Francis decreed that the ancient devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of Mother of the Church, be …
May 29: Memorial Day / Día de los Caídos
What we remember—and honor—on Memorial Day weekend is heroic sacrifice. We acknowledge those who nobly gave of themselves, even unto death, for “a purpose” which they believed was greater than themselves.
Since the days just following the end of the …
May 28: The Day of the Lord
“Pentecost” literally means “fiftieth.” It is a feast still celebrated on the fiftieth day after the Passover by our Jewish brothers and sisters. For us, obviously, it is a feast celebrated on the fiftieth day after the celebration of the …
28 de mayo: El Día del Señor
Celebrando hoy la Fiesta de Pentecostés, recordamos que cincuenta días después del Domingo de Pascua, el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre los Apóstoles que estaban reunidos en oración junto con María, la Madre de Jesús. El amor de …