High School
“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis
High School: Welcome to Holy Cross's L.I.F.T. Teen Programs:
Living In Faith Together
Registration for Religious Education (K-6th grades): Holy Cross Religious Education Registration 23.24
Registration for Confirmation Preparation (7th -12th grades): Holy Cross Confirmation Registration 23.24
Register for Confirmation!
If you're going into 7th through 12th grades, we have Confirmation Preparation for you!!! What is Confirmation? It is the final Sacrament of Initiation, it is the launching point for a new, rich stage of faith, and it's an amazing time! Come and check it out!
We have our registration for the coming school year for Confirmation Preparation. No matter what school you attend, ALL are welcome! Join us and bring your friends!
Please fill out our Confirmation registration information (Holy Cross Confirmation Registration 22.23) and send it to James Henderson at james.henderson@archdpdx.org.
What is L.I.F.T.?
L.I.F.T. is the range of teen programs offered at Holy Cross Parish! We have programming for teens from 7th grade through 12th grade! Please check out what we have for our teens:
- LIFT Varsity: High School Youth Group: For all teens in grades 9 to 12, Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (no registration needed! All are welcome!)
- LIFT Confirmation Preparation: This group is for teens in grades 7 to 12, preparation to make final Sacrament of Initiation.
- LIFT Leadership Team: This is a group of teen leaders who have received their Confirmation and are active members of our parish community. LIFT leaders help to put on events and serve as teen leaders in our community.
Learn more about our L.I.F.T. Program! Click here!
L.I.F.T. Leadership Team:
Leaders amongst your peers
The L.I.F.T. Leadership Team is especially for our teens who have celebrated their Confirmation and who are active members of our parish community. These teens are leaders amongst their peers and in our community. They help to put on our L.I.F.T. Nights and they assist in preparing for L.I.F.T. events and service projects.
If you are interested in being on the Leadership Team, please contact James Henderson at james.henderson@archdpdx.org or at 503-206-8069.
Steubenville NW Conference will be coming next summer: 2023!
In past years, we have brought a group of teens from Holy Cross to the Steubenville NW Conference in Spokane, WA in the month of July. We had an incredible experience of faith and love! The theme of the weekend was "Belong!" We learned about how we belong to our heavenly Father and how we belong in our Catholic community.
Keep posted for updates for next summer's Steubenville Conference trip!
Contact James Henderson if you are interested in going to the Steubenville NW Conference.