Month: March 2022
April 1: April Fish?
Loved by pranksters, but loathed by many (including those who are easily spooked or tricked), we can all agree that April Fool’s Day is one of the world’s silliest holidays. But did you know that the Catholic Church might have …
March 31: Becoming Like Christ
Following Christ means becoming more and more like Him. But let’s face it, for many of us, we struggle mightily when it comes to keeping that at the top of our “to-do list.” Making it the highest priority in our …
31 de marzo: Dando Testimonio Convincente
A pocos días de iniciar la Semana Santa, es importante recordar que solo hay una meta durante este tiempo de conversión y es ¡encontrar a Jesucristo! Según San Antonio del Desierto, “Pasas la Cuaresma buscándolo a Jesús, y como Él …
March 30: Seeing the Face of God
As we confront the heartbreaking images coming out of war-torn Ukraine, many of us are inclined to ask: “Why God? Why? What about the promise you give us in the Scriptures that you will ‘comfort your people and show mercy …
30 de marzo: Para Acercarnos Más A Cristo
A pocos días de iniciar la Semana Santa, te compartimos unos consejos que te ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo lo que resta de la Cuaresma, a partir de sus tres pilares fundamentales: la oración, el ayuno, y la limosna. Los …
29 de marzo: Renovando Nuestra Conversión
A pocos días de iniciar la Semana Santa, el tiempo litúrgico más importante de la Iglesia Católica, te compartimos unos consejos que te ayudarán a aprovechar al máximo lo que resta de la Cuaresma, a partir de sus tres pilares …
March 29: Making God Visible in the World
In his book Seasons of Celebration, the Trappist monk Thomas Merton wrote:
“If the unity of Christians in One Body makes the Church a sign of God in the world, and if men tend unfortunately to conflict and division …
March 28: God’s Holy Word
Many of the devotions and practices of Lent encourage us to fight against the temptation of sin. An age-old lesson for doing this is: we must be familiar with the Word of God. These Forty Days call us to follow …
28 de marzo: La Santa Palabra de Dios
Para la gente que cree, “la edad de oro” se sitúa en el futuro, no en el pasado. A veces, en el Antiguo Testamento de la Biblia, los profetas miraban a los orígenes, al pasado, como “la edad dorada” de …
March 26-27: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass
Whereas the third of three parables in Luke 15 has always been called “The Prodigal Son,” the clear protagonist of the parable is the father. Twice he repeats his cry of joy (Luke 15, 11-32): “This son of mine was …