Mass Times
“To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love, For it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~ from The Prayer of Saint Francis
Holy Cross Parish Mass Updates:
*Mask wearing in the church is optional but recommended. It is recommended to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities.
In-Person Weekend Mass Schedule:
† Saturday Vigil Mass: 5pm, English
† Sunday Mass: 9am, English
† Sunday Mass: 12pm/noon, Spanish
In-Person Weekday Mass Schedule:
† Tuesday - Friday: 8:30am (Rosary at 8am)
† School Mass: Fridays during the School Year, 8:30am
* Adoration: Thursdays, 8:30am-8:30pm
* Anointing of the Sick: Second Wednesday of each month following the 8:30am Mass (Anointing is also available at all hours in emergency.)
* Reconciliation: Wednesdays, 7pm & Fridays, following the 8:30am Mass in the Church, or by appointment with Fr. Mark
Check the bulletin for Holy Days and holiday schedules.
**Please see the Google Calendar for the latest updates, cancellations, or additions to our regular Mass schedule.