
January 12: Adoration

Whether as a private prayer or shared with others, but still in quiet contemplation, the practice of Eucharistic Adoration invites us to pray in the presence of Jesus Christ under His appearance in the consecrated Host.

During Adoration, you

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January 11: “Fill Us with Your Healing Love”

The first chapter of the Gospel of St. Mark offers us something like “a day in the public life of Jesus.” In 1, 29-39, for example, St. Mark mentions that “it was still the Sabbath” and, after the synagogue service,

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January 10: Jesus Taught with Authority

In ancient times, the leaders of the Jews often laid heavy burdens on people’s shoulders and refuse to even lift a finger to help them. This is, in fact, one of the harshest criticisms Jesus directs toward those very leaders.

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10 de enero: Jesús Enseñaba con Autoridad

En el Evangelio de San Marcos (1, 14-28, por ejemplo) San Marcos nos muestra el poder de Dios en acción, en Jesús, el Mesías. Es un poder al que se oponen los poderes del mal, un poder que debe luchar

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January 9: The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Given that the Epiphany of the Lord was celebrated on January 8th in our part of the Catholic world, today (January 9th) marks the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Jesus’ experience of Baptism was not

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8 de enero: El Día del Señor (Epifanía)

Este día es de alegría y agradecimiento porque al ver la luz del Evangelio, salimos al encuentro de Jesús, lo encontramos y lo reconocemos como el Salvador de toda la humanidad y le rendimos nuestra adoración como los Magos de

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January 8: The Day of the Lord (Epiphany)

What can we learn from the Magi?

“At the feast of Epiphany, we place the statues of the Three Kings in the Christmas crèche. Observing the star, those wise men from the East set out for Bethlehem, in order to

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January 7-8: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass (The Epiphany)

Would you like to take a brief quiz before Mass this weekend? It is based on the Gospel for the Feast of the Epiphany (Matthew 2, 1-12). Question: How many “kings” are mentioned: 3, 2, or 1? Answer: Two. Jesus

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7-8 de enero: Preparándonos para Celebrar la Misa Dominical (Epifanía)

Cuando la Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad de la Epifanía, celebra la “manifestación” en la cual, Jesús se da a conocer por primera vez ante los reyes magos.

En la Epifanía celebramos el amor de Dios que se revela a todos

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6 de enero: Tiempo Navideño

Como hemos celebrado por casi dos semanas, la Navidad es un “don que es expresión del amor infinito de Dios que ‘tanto amó al mundo que nos ha dado a su Hijo único.’” Por ello, según la enseñanza de la

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