January 31: Catholic Schools and Holiness / Escuelas Católicas y la Santidad

Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis has been calling us to return to “the ideal of holiness,” our vocation to become, as he says, “the saints next door.” Pope Francis’ emphasis on this matter should come as no surprise, given that the universal “call to holiness” was the core teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the fact that St. Pope John Paul II said the Church’s “urgent pastoral task” in the 21st century is to “re-propose this high standard of ordinary Christian living.” Pope Francis has taken this urgent task to heart.

“Do not be afraid of holiness,” the Holy Father has written. “It will take away none of your energy, vitality, or joy. On the contrary, you will become what the Father had in mind when He created you, and you will be faithful to your deepest self.”

In celebrating National Catholic Schools Week, we are remembering that “holiness” begins when we come to know and believe in the love that God has for us. When we realize that we are so precious to God that He sent His only Son to die for us on the Cross, then our whole life becomes a response to that love. Can we imagine how different the world could be if we would only love others as Jesus loves them, if we would only see others as He sees them? We are all loved by God, we are all children of one Father in heaven, and we are all called to become saints. Let us not settle for anything less!

We celebrate our School Mass today and we have the privilege of doing so on the feastday of St. John Bosco, patron saint of Catholic youth. For more on Don Bosco: https://www.saintjohnboscobranford.org/stjohnbosco


Cada 31 de enero, la Iglesia Católica celebra al santo patrono de la juventud, San Juan Bosco, el santo cuya vida fue la realización de estas – sus propias – palabras: “Uno solo es mi deseo: que sean felices en el tiempo y en la eternidad.” Don Bosco, fue el fundador de diversas comunidades religiosas, agrupaciones e iniciativas que componen lo que se denomina como la Familia Salesiana. Por su dedicación a la formación de niños y jóvenes fue declarado “Padre y maestro de la juventud” por el Papa San Juan Pablo II.

Oremos. “Padre, tú confiaste a San Juan Bosco la misión de instruir a tus ovejas con la palabra y el ejemplo. Concédenos, por su intercesión, ser fieles a la fe que enseñó con su palabra e imitar el ejemplo que nos dio con su vida. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Amén.”

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