May 9: Day of Prayer (Adoration) / Día de Oración (Adoración)

In John 16, 16-20, Jesus tells His disciples, “I am going to the Father.” Those words were spoken on the night of the Last Supper. No matter how many times we have heard His words, are we clear about what He was saying? He was talking about going away, and His death would involve a real departure that would sadden His friends. If they had their way, they would have tried to make Him stay. But He insisted that if they knew what lay ahead they would be glad, since He was returning to the Father. The truth was: if they really loved Him, they would not try to make Him stay.

St. Augustine said, “We too can rejoice at His departure, because by leaving this world Jesus can do so much more for us than if He had stayed in this world. In going to the Father He opens up a way to eternal life for all who believe in Him.” In essence, by going to the Father, He could send the Holy Spirit to His disciples. So, His departure brought great advantage to all of us.

Sometimes the best expression of our love for others is to let them go, not trying to hold onto them, letting them go to whatever God wishes and desires for them. Do we dare pray today for such freedom for ourselves and for those we love?

Join us in Eucharistic Adoration today at Holy Cross church from 8:30am (the celebration of the Eucharist) until the Benediction at 8:30pm.


Note: There are only a few areas in the English-speaking Catholic world where the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated today. Our Archdiocese is not one of those. Here and in the vast majority of Catholic Dioceses and Archdioceses, the Ascension is perpetually transferred to what was formerly the Seventh Sunday of Easter (this year, May 11-12).


Como católicos, estamos de camino en nuestra peregrinación hacia Dios. A veces caminamos en la oscuridad, aun cuando hagamos lo mejor que podamos para hacer del camino de Cristo nuestro propio camino. Pero confiamos que Dios nos dará su Espíritu para mantenernos en marcha y para guiarnos hacia nuestra meta en la vida.

Pero, ¿qué hacer cuando el Señor Jesús nos dice “permanezcan en mi amor?” “Permanecer” es un verbo que parece difícil conjugar con el estilo de vida contemporáneo. ¿Puede permanecer una promesa dada frente a las adversidades? ¿Permanecen los compromisos políticos con el electorado sobre los intereses partidistas? ¿Permanece el “sí, te quiero” para siempre? O ¿todo depende? Necesitamos “permanecer” en medio del viaje de nuestra existencia, porque la permanencia nos da estabilidad, seguridad, y confianza.

Por qué no rezar hoy con esta petición a modo de mantra: “que nada me separe de tu amor Señor; quiero permanecer en ti para que mi tristeza se transforme en gozo.” Todos están invitados: Adoración Eucarística de las 8:30am (la Misa) hasta 8:30pm (Bendición).

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