May 5: The Day of the Lord

Congratulations to all of the children in our parish who will receive the First Communion today! And thank you to their teachers and catechists who have supported them along the journey to this very special day.


Along with our children, we all get to hear these powerful words today: “I have chosen you.” (John 15, 9-17) Proclaimed at Mass in our church today, these are not only words spoken to the twelve Apostles a long time ago. They were spoken to them once, of course, but if that was all there was to it, there would be no point in repeating or remembering them today. These words, from Jesus’ teaching at the Last Supper, were not spoken to give that group some exclusive or special authority. They are words were spoken for all time and for all people who, like the Apostles, gather around a table sharing bread and wine, broken and given to us as the Body and Blood of Christ. These words are still spoken directly and specifically to each and every one of us, including our First Communion children today.

We have been chosen and believing and understanding this changes everything about us. It means that no matter what we have done or what anyone else thinks of us, we are chosen by God and there is now and forever a purpose to our lives and something for us to do. There is peace to bring, there is forgiveness to offer, there are hungry people to feed, and lonely people to embrace. There are naked people to clothe, people imprisoned to visit, mercy to share, and joy to share as well.

This truth which we proclaim today, the Word of God spoken to us, gives us reason to rejoice again – and not just because Christ was raised from the dead, but because we have been raised along with Him, to a new life and a new hope. Alleluia!

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