January 29: National Catholic Schools Week / La Semana de Escuelas Católicas

For many reasons, Catholic Education is a beautiful gift, but especially because what students learn in Catholic schools is more than reading and writing, science and math. Those subjects are all important, and we strive to give every student an excellent and well-rounded education. But Catholic education is “Catholic.” That means it is part of the mission that Jesus gave to His Church 2,000 years ago.

Let’s remember that, before He Ascended to heaven, Jesus commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, and to make disciples of all nations. He also commanded that we teach people to observe all that He commanded. This means that Jesus sent His Church not just to preach, but also to teach. When we read the Gospels, for example, we read over and over again about how Jesus was “teaching” – in the synagogues, in the streets, and in the homes of the people. The first disciples fittingly called Jesus their “Teacher.” And through our Catholic schools, Jesus is still teaching. Thank you for whatever part you play in keeping the Church (and our parish) true to our mission.


La Semana de Escuelas Católicas afirma que las escuelas parroquiales nos ayudan a abrazar la fe, defenderla, anunciarla, y no arriesgarla por agendas contrarias a los valores fundamentales. En una sociedad cada vez más secular, en la que a veces la vida de la gente parece no tener sentido, escuelas como la nuestra nos recuerdan el amor de Cristo, y la dignidad de la persona humana que está más allá de la mentalidad del momento presente o la última moda educativa. Gracias por ayudarnos en alentar y guiar a nuestros estudiantes para buscar al Señor con un corazón sincero.

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