September 29: The Holy Archangels / Los Santos Arcángeles

What a joy to celebrate the feast of the three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael! The word ‘Archangel’ means ‘high-ranking angel’—the same way that ‘archbishop’ means a high-ranking bishop, for example.

Saint Michael won the battle over Satan when Satan confronted God. His name means ‘Who is like God?’ The implicit answer is that, of course, nobody is like God, as He is the greatest there is. St. Raphael cured Tobit, the father of Tobias of his blindness and helped his family in their sufferings and misfortunes. Raphael’s name means ‘God heals,’ and he is often depicted in art holding in his hand a jar of the medicinal fish gall to cure old Tobit of his blindness. St. Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus. His name means ‘God is my warrior.’

These three Archangels are special messengers who were sent by God to accomplish very specific tasks in very specific ways. We pray to them that they may help us achieve our own very specific tasks which we are called to do.

Let us pray. “Heavenly King, you have given us Archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our protector; we ask him to come to our aid, fight for all our loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News; we ask him to help us clearly hear your voice and to teach us the truth. Saint Raphael is the healing angel; we ask him to take our need for healing and that of everyone we know, lift it up to your throne of grace, and deliver back to us the gift of recovery. Help us, O Lord, to realize more fully the reality of the Archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy angels, pray for us. Amen.”


Sabemos que Dios nos quiere, nos protege y nos guía por nuestro destino. En la Biblia, los ángeles son presentados a la gente como los mensajeros de Dios, para ayudarnos a que llevemos a cabo los planes de Dios. El arcángel Miguel es mencionado en el último libro de la Biblia como el ángel que se encarga de la lucha contra el poder del mal y quien llevar el trabajo de Dios y Cristo para superar todo mal. Gabriel es el mensajero de la Anunciación; Rafael es el ángel compañero y el sanador en el libro de Tobías.

Los Ángeles, son de hecho, la prueba del amor de Dios que nos guía y se ocupa de nosotros. Hoy tampoco podemos olvidar a las muchas personas que nos ayudan y guían de muchas maneras con su amor y cuidado. Ellos también, son, por así decirlo, “los ángeles” de Dios para nosotros.

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