September 27: St. Vincent de Paul (bilingüe)

St. Vincent de Paul was born in France to poor parents in 1581. At a young age, he showed talent in reading and writing so his parents sold their family oxen to send him to the seminary. St. Vincent became a priest at the age of 19.

In 1605, St. Vincent was traveling when he was captured by pirates and was sold into slavery for two years. He was freed when he convinced his second master to return to France for absolution. He then traveled to Rome. In Rome, Pope Paul V asked him to go on a mission to France where he remained as chaplain to the queen.

By 1617, St. Vincent’s eyes were opened to the spiritual needs of the peasantry in France. He began to organize works of charity for the poor, sick, children, and the aged – which inspired many in the French courts to take an interest in the poor of Paris. He also inspired other young men and priests to join him in working with the poor in the French countryside. This group, called the “Vincentians,” taught the poor about Jesus and helped them to get food and clothing. In 1633, he also established the Daughters of Charity with the help of Saint Louise de Marillac.

All of his adult life, St. Vincent was esteemed as a man of deep faith, keen intellect, and enormous creativity. He became known as the “The Apostle of Charity” and “Father of the Poor.”

For a complete story on the life of St. Vincent:,worldly%20ambitions%20to%20serve%20God.

For the story of the founding of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul:


Please pray for the members of the Holy Cross Conference of St. Vincent de Paul. Along with other inspiring works of charity, they run our Food Pantry and serve the entire community here in North Portland.


San Vicente de Paúl (o Pablo) fue un sacerdote francés. Es una de las figuras más representativas del catolicismo en la Francia del siglo XVII. Fue fundador de la Congregación de la Misión, también llamada de Misioneros Paúles, Lazaristas o Vicentinos (1625) y, junto a Santa Luisa de Marillac, de las Hijas de la Caridad (1633). Fue nombrado Limosnero Real por Luis XIII, función en la cual abogó por mejoras en las condiciones de los campesinos y aldeanos.

San Vicente realizó una labor caritativa notable. En su opinión: “No puede haber caridad si no va acompañada de justicia.”

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