May 11: The Light of the World

The Easter season offers us a constant invitation to open ourselves to the light of Christ. These grand days of celebrating the Resurrection offer us a chance to bear fruit in our lives. They also offer us a chance to get rid of the darkness that wants to hold onto us, that is, a chance to rid ourselves of the behaviors that are not Christian.

Sometimes, locked in our presumption, we believe we already have the light and there is no more need for “enlightenment.” But a willingness to walk in darkness just means that we are not open to the truth of Jesus. The Risen One wishes to restore our sight, surround us with His light, and guide us along the path that leads to His life.

Take a lesson from the early Church in the Acts of the Apostles: the Apostles and other disciples of the Lord went in a variety of directions and shared an even wider variety of gifts as they spread the Good News. But they were all guided by the same light – the light of Truth, the light of Christ.

Let us pray. “God, our Father, we pray that through the Holy Spirit we might hear the call to deepen our faith, grow in confidence to proclaim the Gospel, and boldly witness to the saving grace of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.”

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