June 2: The Month of the Sacred Heart

The entire month of June is traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to the Sacred Heart is rooted in St. John’s Gospel, where blood and water flowed from Jesus’ side at His Crucifixion. Gazing at the pierced heart of Christ, we marvel at Jesus’ boundless love which led Him to offer Himself on the Cross for us.

According to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, “When we contemplate His Sacred Heart, we can come in touch with the powerful, consuming love that Jesus has for us. We can bring Him our burdens and worries, and He can give us insight into how to handle them. Seeing how much He suffered for us can soften our hearts and open us to the grace to turn away from the sins that we can’t seem to overcome. When we look upon His Sacred Heart and confess our failures to love, He gives us His own heart of love for our brothers and sisters.”

Make some time this month to contemplate the love that flows from Jesus’ Heart and touches us and the whole world. Ask the Spirit to make this love real to us today—in our loneliness, in our woundedness, in our sinful self-concern. Ask Jesus to help us receive His Heart of love for all the people we will meet today and each day this month.

Let us pray. “Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we, who glory in the Heart of your beloved Son and recall the wonders of his love for us, may be made worthy to receive an overflowing measure of grace from that fount of heavenly gifts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.”

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