January 8-9: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

To say that Jesus’ Baptism was a pivotal moment in His life would be a tremendous understatement. For Jesus and anyone present at that moment at the Jordan (and for anyone who hears the passage from Luke 3, 15-22), there was the unmistakable “Divine approval” of the mission Jesus would take up. That moment identified Him as the one Isaiah foretold (42, 1-7). The voice from Heaven affirmed that what Christ was about to do and the kind of life He was about to show us, was right and that it was pleasing to the Father. From that moment on, “power” would have little to do with the ability to keep others in control, to overcome one’s enemies, or to eliminate one’s problems. Now, “power” would be the ability to live without control of everything, to be kind and generous to one’s enemies, and to be patient in all things. Now, “success” would have nothing to do with how well one is regarded by others or how one is served by others. This decisive and pivotal Baptismal moment is a declaration that now “success’ would be a matter of how well one serves others. From the moment of Jesus’ Baptism on, “love” would have nothing to do with how someone makes us feel. Now, love is about bearing one another’s burdens and coming to another’s assistance.

What does all of this have to say about our Baptism? Surely, the Baptism of Jesus has something to say about all Baptisms. Instead of being focused exclusively on washing away “original sin,” perhaps Baptism should also be about “being claimed for Christ our Savior” by His Cross. No matter how young or old we are, that Cross was traced on our foreheads in the Baptismal ritual. So, being Baptized into Christ and putting on Christ (with a white garment) actually means that the Father is pleased with us and what we shall become. The mission of His Chosen One, the One loved by the Father, began on that day in the waters of the Jordan. Thus, today’s Feast is celebrated to remind us and affirm for us that the mission of Jesus Christ is our mission as well. We are called to walk  in His way, all the way to the Cross and to our share in His Resurrection.

Let us pray. “Almighty ever-living God, when Christ was Baptized in the River Jordan and as the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, you solemnly declared Him your beloved Son. Grant that we, your children reborn of water and the Holy Spirit, may always be well pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, for ever and ever. Amen.”

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