Holy Cross Church Mass Live Stream [CLICK HERE]

Ascension of the Lord Livestream

English Mass @ 9am on Sunday, May 29


Parish Announcements: Happy Easter!

1.- Thank you for supporting the Catholic Charities Appeal this month. We will gladly receive contributions in support of Catholic Charities for two more weeks. When we give to Catholic Charities here in the Archdiocese of Portland we help ensure life-saving services for the most vulnerable Oregonians. Remember: “Charity at its heart is an effort to bring together all those who have been left out of the unity of which Christ spoke when He said, ‘And I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are one.'” (John 17, 22) The parish bulletin has a link to where we can encounter the names of specific groups which will be helped by Catholic Charities this year.

2.- The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry will be open Sunday, May 29th, at 1pm. The Pantry has been able to receive an abundance of food over the past few months and our SVdP Conference is hoping to make more of the “bounty” available to the larger community. If you have need of food or you have a friend or neighbor who could use a helping hand, please drop by the Pantry on Sunday afternoon. If having the Pantry available on the last Sunday of each month proves popular and useful, we will be inclined to continue this. We thank of SVdP team for their generous response to hunger in North Portland.

3.- Join us on Memorial Day (at 9am on Monday, May 30th) for a Memorial Mass, offered primarily for those who have died in military service, but also for those in our parish who have died over the past two years and for whom we were unable to celebrate a Funeral Mass because of Covid-19. 

Check out Flocknote and the parish bulletin (also at this website) for calendar information.

Special Note: With regard to lifting the indoor mask requirement: “mask use” in our parish church is now optional – though welcome. Masks are welcome – in order to protect the more vulnerable in our community, like children and those with compromised immunities. Further, the Archdiocese is suggesting that we do not shake hands or hug during the Sign of Peace during the Mass (except in household units). A smile, bow of the head, or other “sign of peace” would be appropriate.

Because of his recent experience with cancer, our pastor will not be distributing Communion on the tongue (until his doctors say that doing so would be wise and prudent). So, please prepare to receive Communion in the hand

Now more than ever, if you are sick in any way or even feeling “a little under the weather,” please stay home! Our overriding concern is for your good health and the good health of those in the pews around you. Thank you.






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