December 24: Preparing to Celebrate Christmas

Who in the world at the time of Jesus’ birth would have believed that a child born in a cave or stable would amount to anything? Who could imagine that a child with parents who were immigrants fleeing murder and violence would have anything to say to the world? Who could ever guess that man from a town hardly anyone ever heard of would go about proclaiming God’s justice and love – before being crucified as a criminal – would today be celebrated as the Savior of the world? We would, and we have!

In believing all these things, we have affirmed from generation to generation  that God is a source not of happiness, but of Joy. The promises of God, that He is with us, that He deliberately walks with us every day, and that He will remain with us forever, are the bedrock of our existence. The promises of God are the reason we get up in the morning, they are the reason we gather this weekend to praise and thank Him. Whatever happens to us in this world – with all its contradictions, turmoil, controversy, and uncertainty – none of that can ever stop our journey’s progress or keep us from revealing God’s glory. Be sure to bring this kind of Joy with you as you attend Mass this weekend: the Joy that says that “no matter what happens, by the grace of God, all will be well.”

“Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, as we are bathed in the new radiance of your Incarnate Word, the light of faith and the spirit of Joy which you have given  us will shine through in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Through Christ who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. Amen.”

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