August 16: “How Great Is Your Faith”

This Sunday’s Gospel (Matthew 15,21-28) can give us a headache! Why would Jesus refer to the Canaanites as “dogs?”

Here’s some background: The woman who encounters Jesus first called out to Him with the words “Son of David.” This was a term hallowed by use in the ancient Hebrew scriptures, always referring to the Messiah. She is a Canaanite, and they did not believe in any Messiah-to-come, especially not one who would descend from David. Yet this woman, against her whole background, seems to have belief in Jesus as the Messiah. She then calls him “Lord.” In St. Matthew’s Gospel this is an explicit admission that Jesus and God are one. Going just on her language, this is proof that she believed in Him as the Savior. Surely He sensed this.

But Israelites and Canaanites had long been at odds with each other, in strife. How could “they” with their strange gods produce a woman who believes in the one God and in Jesus as the Christ, God’s Anointed One? Is it possible that Jesus was drawing her out, teasing her in order to strengthen her belief? Perhaps He was quoting the word “dogs” as a reference to names the two peoples called each other. Something like this: “my people of Israel believe in the one God and your people do not. How can I give their food to you ‘dogs,’ as we call you?”

Here’s the key: the woman’s quick wit provides a wonderful, humble, bantering response that wins the day! “Even dogs eat scraps that fall from their master’s table,” she says. It is a riposte, a parry, a counter-thrust, and Jesus appears to love it. She is saying, “It does not matter what a person’s status is as long as they believe. And I do believe.” Can we imagine that Jesus smiled a great smile as He told her how great her faith was? Maybe He laughed at her quick repartee. And of course Jesus gladly gave her what she asked: He cured her daughter.

Do you suppose that Christ also smiles when we ask for what we need? Can we imagine at least a grin when we let nothing stand in the way, like our own origins, our own fears, our status in life, our sins, and maybe even our rejection by others? “Ask and you shall receive.”

Inspired by Fr. John Foley, SJ

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