April 17: Dedicated and Committed Discipleship

Easter celebrates the faithfulness of God to His Son Jesus, and the faithfulness of Jesus to all of us. True to His promises from of old, the Father never abandoned His Son, raising Him from the tomb and giving us life and salvation through Him. Jesus’ willingness to suffer and die (and be raised!) is the fullest expression of His love for us. It is this, indeed, which we celebrate this season and all our life-long.

To accept the Risen Jesus and to follow in His Way is more than just an intellectual assent. As all 27 of those in our parish who were recently Baptized, Confirmed, and/or welcomed into Full Communion to the Church will attest, religious doctrine helps – but a loving relationship with the Lord God, answering His call to enter into His life through His Church, and now being sustained by the grace of His Sacraments are what really lead to dedicated and committed discipleship in the Way of the Lord.

Please continue to pray for those newly welcomed into the Church – in our parish and around the world. They have shown that they are humbly open to new possibilities, they are not afraid of saying “yes” to something new, and the flower of faith now blooms in them in a wonderful way. As St. Francis de Sales said, “The abundant grace of Christ is most readily received by the humble of heart.”

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