April 15: Good Friday (Service at 3pm)

We will join believers around the world today – gathering around the Cross. We will listen to the stories from the Scriptures. They are stories which offer us a message that is new: suffering acquires meaning in God. Death never has the last word in Him. Through the suffering of Christ, God brings reconciliation and healing for all. This gives us the strength to endure suffering, even today, and to look for a world where every tear will be wiped away.

Hidden within Good Friday is this truth: life will continue! We will live. There is a new beginning. At death, the questioning can be sorrowful, somber, and heart-rending. Even in the presence of vibrant faith, there is often a sense of finality. Calvary seemed to be the end. Yet, life will continue! God has a great dream for us which He will realize just as He did for His Son. Today’s message is “do not be afraid.” God has overcome the world, and so can we.

For reflection: Foster a spirit of gratitude today. It is easy for us to focus on life’s daily tribulations and let them crowd out our thankfulness. But this is a perfect day to realign ourselves with gratefulness. After all, it was in the Crucifixion and Resurrection that Christ did indeed overcome the world. In light of this, we can have an entirely different perspective on our daily troubles. Let us be thankful that God has raised us up already and restored our hopes – through the death of Jesus on the Cross.

For even more reflection: https://www.acatholic.org/good-friday-reflection/

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