December 10-11: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

Faith is a fragile thing. We must not be surprised when doubts arise within us. Even the greatest man born of a woman (as Jesus testified about John the Baptist) felt the same way and experienced some doubt. At the mid-point of Advent, it is important to remember that God does understand this world and all that can happen within it.

Many Jews in the days of Jesus expected the Messiah to arrive with vengeance and anger, harsh judgement and destruction, wielding a mighty and powerful sword. The Baptist’s preaching indicated that his own expectations were touched by this notion. Yet, how did the Messiah arrive? With a gentle and healing touch, drawing people into His joy and peace, and with a promise of renewed hope. Is it any wonder that the Baptist and others asked, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?”

Many people today still want to have their own expectations fulfilled, they want a God who is made in their own image – hard of heart and quick to judge, filled with vengeance, ready to condemn. In His public ministry, Jesus refused all of this and He still does!

Look at the evidence. Jesus, the Messiah, came to reveal God as slow to anger and quick with mercy. Jesus came to reveal how God is willing to wait for an ungrateful wayward son to come home without changing the locks or barring the door. Jesus came to reveal a God whose grace and love embraced a Samaritan woman, welcomed tax collectors, and responded with compassion to a Roman centurion whose servant was at death’s door. The ultimate “revelation” of who God is was Jesus’ willingness to be nailed to a Cross, pouring out His life so that we might be saved.

So, faith, indeed, is a fragile thing and we may have our doubts along the way. But faith is also an essential thing and these Advent days are offered to us to strengthen it and firm it up. Life may continue to throw at us disappointment, tragedy, and repeated tests, but God does understand and, in and through Jesus, He continues to walk with us, every step along the way.

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