April 22-23: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

One of the things many people love about the Emmaus story (Luke 24, 13-35) is the dramatic change in the feelings of Jesus’ disciples. The two on the road to Emmaus meet a stranger who walks and talks with them. Even before they realize it is Jesus, they change from feeling grief and disappointment to joy and utter elation. Their experience helps us keep in mind that Jesus is present even when we are not aware of Him.

Don’t most of us like a story with a happy ending? Well, the Emmaus story certainly has one. The disciples are grieving because the man they loved and in whom they placed hope, faith, and trust has been killed. They are troubled and so are traveling to a town near Jerusalem, perhaps their home or the home of friends. On our own journey of life, we each have a place (physical, mental, and/or emotional) where we want to go when we’re troubled. According to the Gospel, while on the journey, the two disciples encounter Jesus and He teaches them. He offers deeper meaning to all they have experienced. He explains how these experiences have a higher purpose, are foretold in Scripture, and will lead to the greatest good. Be sure to come to Mass this weekend expecting to hear all of this.

On our journey of life, all our experiences have meaning and purpose as well. We learn from our experiences and they lead us to growth, goodness, and joy. We learn from difficulties and successes, heartaches and consolations, and losses and victories – when we reflect on them in the company of Jesus. But first we have to recognize Jesus’ presence. We have to encounter Jesus. That is precisely why we come to Mass, isn’t it?

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