A Friday Message from Your Pastor

Good People of the Parish,

My main concern for all of you is: be at peace, stay safe, and be well!

As we continue to see our parish, our Archdiocese, our country, and our world rocked by the present pandemic, please know that I am praying for you and the people whom you love at this very difficult time. Also, know of my pastoral concern for each of you as you experience a sense bewilderment, disorientation, and emotional fatigue. These are genuine and real feelings, and they are mostly unprecedented ones. Many of you have said, “Father, take care of yourself.” I cannot help but echo that back to each of you.    “Do take care of yourselves.”

I have heard from many of you regarding the decisions which have been made as we move forward, the suspension of public celebrations of the Mass being the most obvious. The goal in making such decisions has been the safety of all of our people (including each of you) and our responsibility to be good citizens as part of the larger community.

It’s easy to say we should keep public Masses and other sacramental and devotional practices, but at what cost? We have free will, but our choices have an impact many others.

Some have said “we should be willing to die to celebrate the Eucharist.” I agree. But, as I heard on KBVM Radio the other day, we shouldn’t be willing to kill to celebrate the Eucharist, meaning, what happens if we contract the virus? How many others do we put at risk, from caregivers and medical personnel to family, friends, and others with whom we would come into contact before we even knew we were infected? That’s all pretty sobering.

May I recommend to your prayers our many priests, parish employees,  and other pastoral workers, both active and senior, who provide the Sacraments, administration, religious education, and much more, especially those who are in the high-risk category? Please do not leave them (us) out of your daily prayers. Thank you.

During this unprecedented crisis in our recent history, I want you to know that I am very proud to be your pastor. I have no doubt of your courage and your commitment to the faith. As I have said many times, one of my greatest joys as your pastor is experiencing the deep level of faith that has been cultivated over the years here at Holy Cross (and at Assumption parish, at Queen of Peace, and at Blessed Sacrament). That deep faith has been cultivated by the clergy, Religious, lay ministers, and the faithful, like you. It is this strength that I and we will need to draw upon to guide us through this time.

May I also remind you of something that is pretty obvious? “I am a believer” and I know that the Lord is with us and that we are called always to testify to His presence in and through His Church. Please know that you all remain in my thoughts and prayers during these difficult times. Let us remain models of hope for our friends, family members, and neighbors.

Again, be at peace, stay safe, and be well! And remember: “God is good!”

With love,

Fr. Mark


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