September 8: The Feast of the Nativity of Mary

“God of love, you chose her….”

Although there is no historical record of the birth of Mary, the Church does believe that, from the very moment of her conception, she was totally free from sin and remained free of sin for her whole life. The logic behind this is that it was not acceptable that Jesus, the Son of God, should be conceived in a body tainted by sin. Her birth, then, is clearly something to celebrate. And the Church does so today!

In Romans 8, 28-30, St. Paul writes “We know that everything works together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.” This is an important statement for us to take in on the Feast of Mary’s birth. We see these words anticipated in her acceptance of the angel’s invitation, even though she did not fully understand its implication at the time. Like Mary, all of us have been called to be “conformed to the image of the Son,” as St. Paul says, so that He becomes the first among many brothers and sisters. Mary, of course, was totally conformed to the Way of her Son. May she intercede well for us so that we might imitate her and follow Him.

Let us pray. “God of love, you chose the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the mother of your only Son. Grant that we who are regularly nourished by His Word and who have been redeemed by His Blood may share with her the glory of your eternal kingdom. Through the same Christ our Lord who is alive with you and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.”

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