September 25-26: The Light of the World / La Luz del Mundo

In Luke 8, 16-18, Jesus talks about God’s Word as something which cannot (and must not) be hidden. We are not a “mystery religion” in the sense that the Gospel is only for a small group of “insiders.” As Jesus says it, eh Gospel message is to be proclaimed “from the housetops.”

We understand Jesus to be the Light of the world and He Himself says that His followers are also to be like lamps shining brightly for all the world to see. An “invisible Christian” is a contradiction in terms! Yet how often do we feel tempted to keep our religion to ourselves and not “foist it on others?”

Let’s be clear: forcing others to believe is not the message given in the Scriptures, even if it were possible. Rather, inviting people to “come and see,” to hear the message, and to have a personal experience of living it, that is what we are called to share.

We believe (and our life-experience verifies this) that the Gospel message offers a way of life that brings great happiness into the lives of individuals and of whole societies – if it is really followed. So, part of our communicating the message is as much through our actions, our manner of living, as through what we say.


Cristo habla de la Palabra de Dios como de una luz que no puede permanecer oculta (por ejemplo, en Lucas 8, 16-18). Su Palabra debería brillar en las vidas de los que creen en el Evangelio, de tal forma que así puedan dar testimonio de Cristo y de su mensaje.

“Dar testimonio” consiste en llamar la atención no hacia nosotros mismos, sino hacia Dios y a lo que Él puede hacer en nosotros. Honestamente, solo podemos proponer lo que creemos y vivimos, y luego dejar el resto a la gracia de Dios.

Oremos. “Padre amoroso, tú quieres que nuestra fe sea como lámpara colocada en el candelero, para que la gente vea tu luz y no se tropiece en la obscuridad. Dirígenos tu Palabra y danos el Espíritu vivificante de tu Hijo para que seamos para el mundo como un Cristo presente de nuevo. Él que vive y reina contigo por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.”

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