March 4: Easter Week / La Semana de Pascua

“They were startled and terrified…”

The Gospels of St. John and St. Luke use the same expression for Jesus’ presence among His disciples (after the Resurrection) in the upper room: “He stood among them.” St. John says that they were huddled together, with the doors locked, for fear of the Jews (20, 19). It might seem obvious, but Jesus did not have to fumble with a key, or knock loudly or call out to them. He just stood suddenly inside their circle – a circle of fear.

Left to ourselves, we humans would remain imprisoned forever inside our locked doors, startled and terrified. However, the Risen Lord comes to meet us where we are, He comes without violence, without argument or explanation, and He comes to liberate with His joy.

Be sure to spend some time this Easter season to recognize that the Risen Lord is indeed among us, saying to us what He said to his disciples, “Peace be with you.” He offers us that special peace of mind and heart which is a rich and wonderful gift.


Jesús nos dice repetidamente: “La paz esté con ustedes.” Realmente es Él quien vive en medio de nosotros. En la temporada santa de Pascua, toquémosle en nuestra oración y en nuestra cercanía e intimidad con Él.

Celebramos los “Cincuenta Días” porque creemos firmemente que Cristo murió por nosotros y resucitó de entre los muertos. Nos juntamos como hermanos y hermanas en torno al Señor Resucitado, para abrir nuestras mentes y corazones a su palabra – y para dejarle que nos llene con su presencia viva.

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