December 20: The Manger Scene from Assisi (bilingüe)

Saint Francis of Assisi loved the Feast of Christmas above all other celebrations, because the Son of God, the King of Glory, came into the world. He came into the world to bring peace and the God’s Presence. As we know, with Christmas, the Son of God immerses Himself in our humanity and we immerse ourselves in His kind, affable, and merciful presence.

The city of Assisi, the home of St. Francis (and Franciscans around the world), is providing a beautiful and moving treat again this year.

For a preview:

For the full website (including several videos):


Los frailes franciscanos de Asís y las autoridades de la región de Umbría (Italia) presentan el pesebre y el programa de “La Navidad de San Francisco.” Favor de usar las enlaces arriba para ver a las imágenes desde Asís.



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