September 24: The Day of the Lord

Psalm 145 reminds us today that “the Lord is just in all His ways, gracious and merciful.” The Prophet Isaiah’s words (spoken on behalf of the Lord God) probably ought to be understood in light of the Psalm: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55, 6-9)

Some might see these words as an invitation to hopelessness – “we’ll never measure up, we will never love like God loves…!” But the fact is that these are words which are meant to encourage us. They are meant to remind us that, if we really look at the circumstances of our lives, we will recognize God’s hand in them. If we really consider all the opportunities God gives us to become more loving and forgiving, we will appreciate that His grace makes such things possible.

Our faith teaches us that, as a loving Father, God does (whatever He does) for our good and permits only that which is for our benefit. God is always near to us in this life, always encouraging us to become more like Him. As St. Augustine said, “If we remain near to Him on this earth, we can trust in His love and goodness to keep us near to Him forever in Heaven.”

Let us pray. “O Lord our God, graciously raise up your people, whom you constantly renew through your Word and your Sacraments. May we trust that your plan is being worked out and may we come to possess your life both in mystery – and in the manner of our life. Through Christ your Son. Amen.”

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