September 12-13: Preparing for Sunday’s Mass

Wrath and anger are destructive and wasteful things, yet many of us try to hold them tightly. In fact, we hold on to so many things, hugging them tightly, things that do us no good and only bring harm. They are things that separate us from one another and from God, things like resentment, grudges, envy, stubborn pride, prejudices, and hard feelings. How much time and energy do we invest in clutching and holding on, time and energy that might be devoted to so many, more worthwhile and more fruitful efforts!


In the first reading for Sunday’s Mass, Sirach asks some good and penetrating questions.
– How can we nourish and feed the anger we hold in our hearts and expect to be free and open to receive the Lord’s peace?
– How can we cherish and embrace our wrath and contempt and hope at the same time to reach out for God’s merciful pardon?
– How often do we think we’ve tried hard enough and long enough and should at some point be free to stop trying to be merciful and forgiving?
Jesus answers this point eloquently in the Gospel today: How many times must you let go your anger and wrath? Seven times? No … more like 77 times! (a mystical number meant to imply an infinite number!) His teaching is based on this wisdom: when we let go of our wrath and anger, our resentment and grudges, our envy and stubborn pride, our prejudices and hard feelings, then we free our arms to embrace mercy and love. And when we embrace mercy and love, we embrace God.

Before, during, or after Mass today, be sure to pray that He who forgives us over and over again will teach us to forgive one another in the same way. There is great wisdom in this teaching and its fruit is true freedom.

“Look upon us, O God, creator and ruler of all things, and, that we may feel the working of your mercy, grant that we may serve you with all our heart. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.” (Opening Prayer for the 24th Sunday of the Year)

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