September 11: Prayer and Service

911. For years, those numbers simply meant a call for help. Now they also remind us of September 11, 2001, the date of the worst terrorist attack on the United States of America and one of the deadliest days ever on American soil. To mark the nineteenth anniversary of 9/11, below are a couple of historical reminders and a prayer suggestion. May God bless our nation and our world with His peace.
Reminder #1: In October 2001, the United States Congress passed a joint resolution designating that every September 11th be observed as “Patriot Day.” The resolution requests that U.S. government entities and interested organizations and individuals display the flag of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and that the people of the United States observe a moment of silence in honor of the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Reminder #2: In 2009, a presidential proclamation declared that Patriot Day is also a “National Day of Service.” The proclamation calls on Americans to “participate in community service in honor of those our nation lost, to observe this day with other ceremonies and activities, including remembrance services … to honor the innocent victims who perished as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.”
Obviously, today’s anniversary is an important and moving occasion for many Americans. Perhaps we can use this prayer as a beginning point as we re-dedicate ourselves to national unity and as we seek to promote the common good by serving others in the name of the Lord:
“Loving and gracious God, please hear us as we cry out this day for the Church, that she may continue to provide care and healing for all, especially those affected by the attacks on September 11, 2001. Please hear us as we pray for all victims of violence and terrorism around the world, and for their families, that they may find comfort and peace. Please hear us as we plead for the safety of our service men and women abroad, for civil servants who protect us and keep us safe, and for all who live with war and violence each day. Please hear us as we pray for our leaders and for the leaders of nations, that they may work together to address the problems that provide fertile ground for the growth of terrorism. And please hear us as we beg you for the ability to forgive and for an end to all hatred, beginning in our own hearts. We ask these things, as always, through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

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