September 10: Fires

In the face of so many fires and their devastation, we remember that “The Lord is close to those who call on Him, who call on Him in truth.” (Psalm 145,18)

“Almighty and eternal God, be ever close to us as we ask for your protection against destroying fire. Fire is so very necessary for our existence, and yet, when it gets out of control, it can be more damaging than anything else. Keep our homes and buildings and woods and fields safe, we beg you.

Fill us with gratitude for the firefighters who work tirelessly to protect your people and all of your creation; for the volunteers and those who donate money, supplies and their own homes to assist those in need. Make us grateful, too, for the rain when it comes.

For now, fill us with compassion and mercy to stand with our sisters and brothers affected by the fires. Give us strength to join in their suffering and bear witness to their pain. Instead of the driving winds that add fuel to the fires, come as a gentle breath of peace and calm. Breathe new life into us, inspire us with love to care for one another and the earth.

Anoint and soothe the wounds of the victims, seen and unseen. Heal the land. Heal our hearts. Make us new again. To you, O God, we entrust our sorrow, our fears, our anguish, as well as the people, plants, and animals at risk. Reveal to all of us the path of life. Fill us with love, guide us in hope, and lead us to act with mercy and compassion. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Catherine of Siena, protectress against fire, pray for us.

St. Florian, patron saint of firefighters, pray for us.

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