October 21-22: Preparing to Celebrate Sunday’s Mass

During the past few Sundays, we have seen Jesus attacking the religious leaders of His people for their failure to recognize in Him the Word of God, the power of God, and the compassionate love of God. All they could see was a man who broke their laws! This weekend, in the first of four challenges by different leaders, they begin to hit back. Their plan, as St. Matthew describes it, was to get Jesus to discredit Himself. The first challenge, in Matthew 22, 15-21, comes from the Pharisees. Their opening statement is clever and very flattering. They praise the utter honesty and integrity of Jesus. All of which was perfectly true. And it is precisely in this strength of Jesus – telling it like it is, without fear or favor – that they hope to entrap Him.

Jesus escapes from the trap in the question, “Is it lawful to pay the census tax to Caesar or not?” by instructing those who questioned Him, “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” With this answer, Jesus reminds His questioners that, if they are so concerned and careful about paying taxes to the state, they should be much more concerned and careful about their service to God and their obligations to Him as their Creator and Lord.

The fact is that the question posed has only one answer: “Everything belongs to God. Everything.” And that answer is as simple as it is demanding. “Everything, ultimately, belongs to God.” Can you think of one good thing in the universe, one thing on earth, one thing in your home, among your possessions, one good thing in your whole life that truly belongs exclusively to you – and not to God? Will you be coming to Mass this weekend to praise Him and thank Him? Is there really any better response?

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