October 20: Revealing God to Us

God is so “involved” with the details of creation that even the humble sparrow is not insignificant or forgotten (Luke 12, 1-7). Do you know there is a temptation for those in authority that the more exalted their rank, the less in touch they are with ordinary life? Jesus says, in Luke 12, that this does not apply to God! The Maker of all creation is actively and personally involved with the details of His creation. Jesus coins the memorable phrase, “not one sparrow is forgotten in God’s sight.”

For further reflection: If even a sparrow is not forgotten in God’s sight, how much more is that true of us? Jesus is constantly revealing God to us: the God who is near to us and cares about our ups and downs, our joys and sorrows, our successes and failures. Trusting that this is true, what is a fitting response on our part? First, love and gratitude! Then, we can speak to God about all our experiences, both in sorrow and joy. We can also bring to God the details of our lives in prayer, knowing that He is now and always has been deeply concerned about us. Praise Him and thank Him!

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