October 12 / 12 de octubre: Ukraine / Ucrania

The Church continues to appeal for an end the “spiral of violence and death” in Ukraine. Pope Francis recently said, “I deeply deplore the grave situation that has arisen in recent days … It increases the risk of nuclear escalation, giving rise to fears of uncontrollable and catastrophic consequences worldwide.” Surely, all people of good will are grieved by the thousands of victims, especially children, and the destruction that has left many people and families homeless and threatens vast territories with cold and hunger. The Holy Father also said, “Such actions against Life can never be justified, never!”

Let us pray. “O Lord our God, look down with mercy on our world and especially on the Ukrainian people. Protect and save us. Grant peace and hope to our world. Give us strength and courage to defend what is good, right, and holy. Deliver our world from distress, for you are merciful and compassionate. To you, O God,  we give glory and honor now and forever. Amen.”


Column on Ukraine from the Catholic News Agency: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/column/252472/winning-peace-in-ukraine


La Iglesia Católica resiste en Ucrania en medio del “terrorismo” que Rusia ha desplegado, particularmente en las últimas horas, con decenas de bombardeos que han golpeado muchas ciudades del país. Desde el lunes, 10 de octubre, Rusia lanzó más de 75 misiles contra diferentes ciudades de Ucrania, entre ellas su capital, Kiev, causando al menos 19 muertos civiles y dejando sin electricidad a importantes regiones del país. De acuerdo a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, desde que inició la invasión de Rusia contra Ucrania han muerto más de 6,2 mil civiles, entre ellos cerca de 400 menores. Santa Maria, Reina de Paz, ruega por nosotros.

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