May 12: Fifty Days of ‘Feasting’

The Church in her wisdom asks us to fast for 40 days of Lent and then follows it up with fifty days of feasting, which we call Easter. As with Christmas, we tend to think the holiday is just a “day.” However, not celebrating the full length and breadth of holy seasons causes us to lose out on some incredible riches. The Easter season offers us two more Sundays as we conclude it: the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost. We have been encouraged all season to live like an “Easter people.” How can we finish this season well?

Some practical things which can help us “live” Easter to the full. Change the background on your phone to some stunning piece of artwork celebrating the Resurrection. Give someone a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, saying, “Happy Easter (Season)!” Read the book of The Acts of the Apostles. Any time you would be inclined to say, “I’ll pray for you,” ask instead, “May I pray with you?” Choose joy. Follow Mother Teresa’s advice: “Never let anything so fill you with sorrow as to make you forget the joy of Christ risen.”

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