May 11: Easter Grace

We have seen over the past six weeks that the Season of Easter is all about celebrating life. The season is a gift from God to help us see the new life that Christ brings us in His rising from the dead. But it is also about celebrating the little things that bring us life each day because they, too, lead us to a fuller life in Christ. The “little things” provide us with glimpses of the sacred and they have much to teach us about the ways of God. Each day, we are invited to pay close attention to the in-breaking of God’s grace and grow in gratitude.

Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. The following Sunday, we will celebrate the Fiftieth Day of Easter, Pentecost, and the descent of the Holy Spirit. Let’s finish this holy season well by choosing to celebrate life each day, transforming what often seems ordinary or goes unnoticed into a spiritual treasure.

The list is endless, but here are some practical ways to celebrate life each day: Get outside, go on a daily walk, notice how spring continues to unfold each day. Buy fresh flowers—just because! Keep a gratitude journal. Set aside time each day to pursue an activity that brings you life. Practice saying “no” to things that drain you. Give to an organization that is bringing life to others. Share with someone the areas in which you see them come to life—we all need reminders!

Let us pray. “Lord, we thank you for your abundant, abounding grace. We thank you that we don’t have to earn a drop of the mighty river of grace that flows freely for us today. We thank you for the unexpected, unmerited favor you’ve showered on our lives. Help us put ourselves in the path of your love and grace today. Help us not neglect the disciplines we need to meet with you regularly and to drink from the water of your life. We thank you for your rich love, which we know through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

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